Pottery Ponds

Group Size: Resources:
  • Any size!
  • A variety of things available to use.
  • A water source.

Game Play

Objective: Build the best container for holding water!

  • This activity can be done as teams or as individuals. Divide up the group accordingly.
  • Outline the parameters of the activity.
    • Is the goal for the container to hold the most volume? Longest time? Most durable?
  • Set a time limit for building.
  • Once everyone is done building, test the different containers.
Additions & Alternatives:
– Add bonuses for various features. Like most transportable, useful, coolest design, tallest, or any special additions like a spout, etc.

– Transform it into a collaborative exercise by sharing the best resources for building the container.

Transfer of Learning

This activity is a simple energizer that works on problem solving and communication. The intent isn’t to create winners and losers, rather give participants the opportunity to be proud of something they have built. It is a ridiculous premise and task but I hope they feel joy and accomplishment afterwards. The activity can also be used to convey a deeper message like problem solving and critical thinking. It could be spun to be about acquiring the proper tools for the job. This could then be applied to learning pro-social skills and how to increase your comfortability and range in social situations. I hope you see how even the most basic activities can hold important messages.

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