
Group Size: Resources:
  • Any size!
  • A large space to create the big images.
  • A few key objects to recreate to scale.
  • A variety of other objects for measuring the key objects.
  • Something for a grid to create scaled reference points.

Game Play

Objective: To replicate the key object on a smaller scale.

Set Up:

  • Place your key object(s) on the ground and draw out a grid for them to recreate the object in. Add a few reference points so they can figure out how to scale down the size of the object.
    • Reference points could be specific trees, a scale of length, general positioning of the object, etc.


  • TellĀ  the participants that you want them to replicate the object, to scale, on the small grid.
  • Layout the materials they may use to measure the object or let them go collect their own.
  • Set them to their task!
Additions & Alternatives:
– Inverse the game, so they have to create a large version of the object drawn on the grid.

– Instead of a singular object, make it a hidden path they have to discover and mark the safe spaces on the grid to build a map.

– By specifying what materials they may use, you can limit their resources or give them a hint on how you would solve the task. Materials could be a compass, pencil, sleeping pad, various lengths of string/ rope, or sticks.

Transfer of Learning

This activity can be a great addition to learning how to read a map or used as a separate initiative. It focuses on the group’s ability to communicate and listen to one another. It uses their problem solving, leadership, and visual-spatial skills. As with any teamwork activity, it has opportunity for many different messages and metaphors. An important one that this could convey well is judging the proportion of different events and their impact on your life. Although slightly complex to set up, I think the activity can push the abilities of the group and help frame conversations like talking about proportional reactions to different events.

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